Funk Family Game Night #48!

Saturday , 25, January 2014 2 Comments

We played IncrediBrawl and Relic Expedition! Abby wanted a rematch in IncrediBrawl, and Relic Expedition has become Brynna’s favorite game! I ended up pulling out a spectacular win in the brawl, but Abby out-explored us all and escaped with her relics on the helicopter. ๐Ÿ™‚


  • randyhoyt says:

    It’s an honor to be part of your family game night. ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m glad to hear you are enjoying Relic Expedition. I like your About page and enjoyed reading about your discovery of modern board games. We re-discovered them (via Settlers of Catan) before we had children, so our two boys (now 6YO and 1YO) are growing up with them. We don’t have regular game nights: every night could be game night!

    I’m hoping to go to Gen Con this year. If I do, I’d love to meet up.

    • jfunk says:

      As mentioned in my last post, had a great time meeting you and playing games, Randy. JUST got the updates to Lanterns printed, so hope to play the latest revisions soon!

      Thanx again for including me in what became one of my favorite parts of Gen Con ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Let me know your thoughts!